Inside Scoop: What Happens In A Reading
I just arrived in DC last night to spend a whole week with my lovely boyfriend. After 15 months of dating, a weekend trip just doesn't cut it sometimes. I brought my little one with me, Opal. Opal is almost ten years old and this was her first road trip. She didn't lay down once for fear of missing out on the sightseeing. This is also her first time at Craig’s place and she is settling in just fine. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the day she will not be here anymore. But luckily for me, I know all dogs go to heaven.
In my readings it never fails that a dog shows up. Let me explain how this works in detail.
When I first meet with a client I explain how my Mediumship works. First, I work with Evidential Mediumship, this is detailed information about a passed loved one that I couldn't possibly know. I describe how they look in detail, what they wore, what they did for a living, hobbies, how they passed, or their name…the list goes on. I’m pretty right on with names when I get them! It depends on what the loved one wants me to say really. After we establish the connection, the loved one gets an opportunity to express what ever they like to their friend or family member. I hold myself to high responsibility on this to never color what they are saying. It’s a beautiful thing when a father on the other side comes through with specific things that are going on in your life and gives you hope. If that father of yours was a huge a dog lover, I’ll see them by their side. The color of the dog is clear and I’m good with breeds as well. I have to say it’s my favorite when a childhood dog shows up. It shows me that I will always have Opal close to me, even in spirit. At this point we are only getting started in the reading.
I then tune into your aura and give you your Spiritual Assessment. An aura reading is just tuning into your energy around your body. Every Medium I know does this differently. I personally see it as color all around the left side of the body. What ever colors I see, it correlates to a particular chakra and or association. I look deeper into the chakra area to see what is going on with mind body spirit. This is actually where all the work is. I am not a doctor even though I am trained in Medical intuition. I will tell you exactly what I see going on currently in the body or from the past. I will never tell you that you have cancer. Nor do I see that information. My attention gets directed to a certain place in the body and then I see the reason for it. It usually environmental, spiritual, or mental and we talk about what you can do to help your health. This part is so important to be fulfilled. I hear time and again, I don't know how to get out of this dark cloud, I need direction, I want to feel happy. Happiness is created and maintained with presence, intention, and health.
Next part of the Spiritual Assessment is past, present, and future possibilities. I say future possibilities because thats all that they are. When we have our session, I will see future possibilities from that day, that point in time. You may have a huge awakening the next week and your future might change. I’ve changed my course so many different times. Let me stand tall on my soap box for a minute. Yes, my psychic work is accurate. That does not mean you should live your life due to what some Medium says. Hello? Hell no! If I say I see you moving to Colorado or I see a job opportunity there, do not jump on a plane and move. If a job promotion comes up naturally and you would have to move for it, well then isn't that marvelous? You should still think it through and make your own decision of what feels good to you. Capeesh? Everyone wants to know about love and marriage. Don't worry we can fit that in too. But what about thinking about soul purpose? What is your purpose or your souls work during this life time? Hmm…lets get deep and look at that.
At the closing of our session I leave time for questions and clarification. You can ask your loved ones what ever you want. You can even ask me questions about your spiritual experiences. This is your time to feel complete with the session. As you can see there is a lot that happens in one hour reading. Its mind-blowing on my end as well. No two readings are a like. I am here to be of service, deliver connection and communication from the other side, and to show that trusting yourself is the way to happiness.
I have found through my readings that the people that are drawn to me want more out of life than usual surface encounters. They want to find their spiritual and magical existence. Hence the creation of the Spiritual Life Coaching Program that is as individual as you are. We work together on your needs, challenges, and Inspiration. I lead and guide you with the support you need from myself and the spirits that have your back. Every session is different and I tune into exactly the heart of matter. The mission is to clean away all the dirt from every corner so you can be everything that you really are. A shining light, my friend…