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Time of the Month

Except my time of the month! Sometimes it's a whole week of anxiety, fear, self-doubt, and chocolate. This past week I think I questioned just about everything I could in my life. Believing in myself felt like too much hard work.

Moments such as these call for being open to a guide or a friend who might lead us in the right direction. I am a lucky person to have so many strong women as clients and that I get to work on them all day long. And sometimes the reverse happens, as well.

Scarlet was in my chair last week, and I was catching her up on my magical life. She has been so supportive and, with her kind spirit, even prompted me several times about writing. Before I posted my first blog piece last week I experienced a sneak attack, imagining my friends’ fear and doubt. I was opening up and describing what this felt like. What if people judge me? What if my extended family feels uncomfortable? At some point I'm going to talk about medium-ship and my development: what if the family of the man I'm in love with doesn't approve? Question after question was resolved with one kind statement from Scarlet. We were sipping coffee when she said, "But Gina, people are out there waiting for you to help them."

In an instant, it felt as if a vacuum sucked fear out of my atmosphere. I can't let fear stop me--people are waiting. I must be brave and have courage. Scarlet then went on to tell me about how our last appointment helped her. When she was in six weeks prior, she’d expressed that she wasn't feeling like herself. She felt anxious and depressed and didn't know why. Having dealt with these issues before in my own life, I suggested meditating and asking for clear answers as to what's going on in her body and mind. Amazingly enough, she got her answer.

A few days later, as Scarlet was flipping through a magazine, an article popped out at her. It was a piece about how not all generic medications are the same and that some can give you side effects, such as depression and anxiety, to name a couple. A light bulb went off right then and there. About eight weeks ago her pharmacist had changed her generic birth control to a different generic birth control. She called her pharmacist right away to confirm what she had read was accurate. Her pharmacist said it was completely probable and switched her back to her original medication.

Meditation opened Scarlet to paying attention.

Hearing this story lifted my spirit. It reminds me of a quote from Mother Teresa. "Do small things with great love." Small things with great love can ripple further than any expectation. Every answer is available to you. You just have to ask. Ask and be open to receiving.

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